Long Ridge Dental BLOG

The impact of Smoking on Dental Health

By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | August 31st, 2015

There are several reasons for tooth decay, gum diseases and bad breath. A large proportion of population suffers from these dental diseases. Not only these diseases are painful, but they can be embarrassing at times especially bad breath. Some professionals are turned down at interviews because of bad breath. These dental illnesses can turn things upside down be it an interview, a career move, date with your partner, etc. Despite the fact that there are numerous reasons for dental illness, the article sheds light on the impact of smoking on one’s dental health.


According to research reports, 80% to 90% of oral cancers are caused due to smoking. And the worst part of oral cancer is that it is not discovered and identified until the cancer has penetrated at large. Therefore, the survival chance of oral cancer is low. Another effect of smoking on dental health is that of gum diseases that attack gums and surrounding areas soon after the person starts smoking.

Smoking is dangerous in two ways. Firstly, a smoker has a higher chance of producing more plaque bacteria than a non-smoker. This plaque can weaken the enamel and cause cavities. Secondly, smokers have low levels of oxygen in their blood that slows down the process of healing if you gums catch plaque. According to research reports, the chance of developing cavities for a smoker is three times higher than that of a non-smoker. This comes as no surprise as the gum diseases and plaque play an important role in giving birth to cavities, which are painful to treat.

Even if you toss a mint mouth freshener to avoid bad breath, your teeth are going to say it all. Over a period of smoking, your teeth enamel is going to lose its strength, leaving your teeth pallid. The teeth will not only discolor but might also develop cracks over time. Also, smokers have been found to have more tartar than non-smokers. Tartar is formed due to the lack of sufficient saliva as smoking tobacco leaves the mouth dry.


All of these mentioned diseases can leave your teeth bleeding when you brush them. They can wear out your gums and cause cracking of the teeth. This leaves a smoker at a great risk of having their teeth fallen.

Fortunately, a smoker can recover if he or she quits smoking. The healing process would not show up quickly. However, in the coming years, the smoker will relish his or her decision to quit smoking.


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