Long Ridge Dental BLOG

Top 10 tips for Dental Hygiene

By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | August 10th, 2022

Dental hygiene is important for your overall health and can help you avoid dental problems in the future. Here are some tips for better dental hygiene:

Brush your teeth at least twice daily

You should brush your teeth twice daily. Once in the morning and before bed, for at least two minutes each time.

How long should you brush for? It’s up to you! The general rule of thumb is that if you have a few seconds left on your timer, stop brushing; otherwise, continue until it beeps or the bristles are too dirty.

Floss daily

Flossing isn’t just for people with braces or crowns (or bridges). In fact, brushing twice a day is enough! The only other times I recommend doing extra dental hygiene is after eating certain foods (like hot dogs), drinking drinks with pulp in them (like juice), or having bad breath that lasts longer than normal (a condition called halitosis).

If you don’t have access to dental floss, try using an old toothbrush or Q-tip instead—it may be more comfortable if it’s not so rigid and hard to fit comfortably between your teeth.

Rinse with mouthwash after brushing and flossing

Rinsing your mouth with a standard mouthwash after brushing and flossing can help reduce bad breath, gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath. Mouthwashes contain special ingredients that kill germs. These ingredients also help prevent cavities in teeth because they help remove plaque between the teeth where bacteria build up on their surfaces naturally over time due to saliva-producing activities such as eating or drinking alcohol.

A good rule of thumb when choosing an effective mouthwash is to look for one that contains Benzalkonium Chloride (BAC). This ingredient helps kill bacteria which cause cavities. But if you have never used it before, it may take some time to get used to its taste. Still, once you start using it regularly, there should be no reason why this product will not work effectively on keeping your gums healthy and preventing future issues like gingivitis or periodontitis later down the road!

Go to the dentist regularly for check-ups.

It’s important to visit the dentist regularly for check-ups. The dentist can detect problems early and treat them before they become serious. The dentist may also recommend ways to prevent future problems, such as mouthwash or flossing between teeth.

When you go for your next appointment, make sure you bring along any old dental records showing when you last visited the dentists (or other health professionals).

Maintain a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, as well as foods rich in calcium and vitamin D

Calcium: You must eat dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. If you don’t eat these foods or don’t drink milk at all, you must take calcium supplements or use a product called Milk Thistle (which has been proven effective in reducing inflammation).

Vitamin D: Foods that are rich in vitamin D include fatty fish such as salmon or tuna; eggs; liver; mushrooms; fortified orange juice; fortified cereals/bran muffins/grains

Make sure you are using the right toothbrush to get your teeth clean.

  • Choose a soft-bristled brush.
  • Use a toothbrush with a small head.
  • Use a soft, small head for best results and comfort.

Try gargling before brushing! It can make cleaning your tongue, gums, and teeth easier.

By gargling, you’re helping to remove bacteria from your mouth that could lead to bad breath. You’ll also remove any plaque or gunk on your tongue and gums. It’s best to do this before brushing, but if you’re in a hurry, it can also be done after brushing.

Replace your toothbrush after you’ve been sick

After you’ve been sick, your toothbrush can harbor germs. A dirty toothbrush is a breeding ground for bacteria. Your mouth and the rest of your body are connected through saliva, which carries germs from one area to another.

So when you brush your teeth and then put them away in their own little compartment at the bottom of your medicine cabinet, how do you know whether those germs are still alive? The answer is simple: You don’t! They could easily multiply into an infection that causes pain and discomfort, making it difficult for us to eat properly or even talk properly.

Watch how much sugar you are consuming. It can hurt your dental health

Sugar is a major culprit in tooth decay, cavities, and bad breath. It can also cause gum disease and tooth loss. Try eating less sugar and sugary drinks like soda or juice to keep your teeth healthy.

Try to eat crunchy fruits and vegetables because they help clean plaque from your teeth while you eat them!

Crunchy fruits and vegetables can help clean the tongue, too. Crunchy foods like carrots are great for cleaning between your teeth. The scraping action of chewing helps remove plaque and food particles that have built up on the gum lines or between each tooth’s crowns (the part of the tooth that covers its root)

Guard your teeth

If you grind your teeth while sleeping, try wearing a mouthguard at night to prevent damage to your enamel!

You can get custom mouthguards in the dentist’s office that fit your teeth perfectly. You should ask your dentist if they offer this service or find a local sporting goods store that sells them over-the-counter. After you have chosen a mouthguard (or purchased one), it’s very important to take good care of it so that it stays comfortable and protects your teeth.

Eat a balanced diet

This is important because it will help you maintain your weight and stay healthy. If you are not eating right, there can be negative effects on your body’s ability to function normally. It is also important to drink enough water so your body’s waste products can be released more quickly and easily.


It is important to remember that these tips are only a few of many out there. The most important thing is to ensure you continue practicing them every day, so your smile stays healthy and beautiful! If you want more information or help to find an appointment with an experienced dentist near me, please contact us today!

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