Children’s Dentistry Top-Notch


It is recommended by The American Dental Association (ADA) and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) that your child visits a pediatric dentist when they turn a year old. This visit can prove to be extremely beneficial as it lays the foundation for the child’s good oral health by getting affiliated with their pediatric dentist. Our team looks forward to initiate a bonding relationship with your child during their first visit.  This visit also provides you an opportunity as parents to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your child’s oral health and also gives us a chance to give you a proper explanation of oral hygiene essentials and maintenance. 

We demonstrate our services in front of you so you can get a firsthand look at how dentists work with children. A large number of children are comfortable during their visit and will cooperate during the procedure; however having children cry at some points of the visit is also quite normal. We try to coax the children into cooperating with us so that they allow us to finish the procedure.  During the first visit, we will conduct the following dental services for your child:

  • A thorough examination of your child’s mouth, teeth and gums.
  • Proper cleaning and review how to clean and care for your child’s teeth.
  • Treatment using fluoride to strengthen teeth and prevent tooth decay.
  • Radiographs to inspect chances of dental caries, gum diseases, and progress of your child’s permanent teeth.
  • Assessment of your child’s bite to ensure that the jaws are correctly aligned.

During your first visit, we will also talk about your child’s overall dental health, including growth & development. In our concluding consultation you can discuss any further questions you may have or inquire about essential dental treatments for the future.

To increase the chances that your child cooperates on their first visit to the dentist, it would be very helpful if you brief them about it before the day comes. Show them how good this visit can be for their oral health. However, you must be careful while doing this and use friendly words rather than strong words such as “shots/needles”, “drills” or “pull” because the chances of such procedures being required on the first visit are quite meager. In case the situation arises where any such procedure is required, rest assured that our pediatric dentists are professionals and know how to inform children in a friendly manner so they do not get frightened. Our dentists will make sure that your child remains calm and comfortable.

Do not let your past dental history make you negative about your child’s dental health. Here are a few tips that may help in preparing your child for the first visit.

•   Use positive words when you break the news about the visit to your child.

•   Explain to the child that doctors need to “brush”, “count”, and “take pictures” of their teeth in order for them to understand oral health procedures.

•   Do not use scary words such as “drill”, “pull” and “shots/needles”

•   Remain calm or your child will read into your stress!

We make sure that our facility acts as a “dental home” for you, a place where you can get answers to all your dental questions as well as get progress on your child’s growth & development.  We lay emphasis on preventive dentistry and make referrals whenever required. In addition, we get your child familiarized with the dental environment in case emergency dental help is required by you. Your child’s comfort is our foremost priority and we try to provide our services to your child in a friendly environment that makes your child feel secure and foster a trusting relationship with us.


When your child develops an early habit of visiting the dentist, it opens the path towards good dental health for their lifetime. It is for this reason we encourage parents to bring in their children upon growth of their first tooth, which happens normally between the ages of 6 and 12 months. This not only lays the groundwork for a familiar dental home for your child, it also helps us in treating your child for Early Childhood Caries (ECC), previously better understood as “baby bottle tooth decay” or “nursing caries”.


Fluoride protects teeth against tooth decays. It is a substance that is not only effective but also safe to use for dental hygiene purposes. You can reduce the chances of cavities’ development by consuming fluoride which can be found in fluoridated water, particular food items, and dental products, including mouth-rinses and toothpastes. Having a good oral hygiene maintenance routine also results in reduced chances of cavity growth.

You have the option of topical application of fluoride when you bring in your child for a visit. During the visit, we will measure the extent of fluoride in your basic drinking water source to determine whether your child who is aged between 6 months and 16 year requires fluoride supplements or not.


Sealants make it easier for your child to brush their teeth and also increase the chances of cavity-free teeth. These sealants comprise of bonded plastic resins that that help in protecting any pitted or grooved surfaces of your child’s tooth.



For natural looking solutions, we provide fillings for repairing teeth that require small scale restorations only. Fillings are effective in repairing teeth that have been damaged by cracks, chips, decay and minor fractures.  One of the filling options that we can provide your child that can be placed in one visit only, are tooth-colored fillings known as composite resins. Being of the same color as natural teeth, they are aesthetically more pleasing as compared to traditional silver fillings that are known as amalgam.


Follow-up Care that We Provide

Once through with filling, some children may get increased sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. But this is just temporary and as time passes, the sensitivity will begin to fade.  However, what you need to know is that any type of restoration procedure will remain effective for longer period of time if your child maintains good oral health.  The tooth-colored filling will survive longer if your child regularly brushes and flosses his/her teeth. Meanwhile, as your dentists, we will monitor and inspect the filings for any repair requirements.


For larger scale problems that cannot be fixed through restoration procedures, you may need to opt for tooth extractions. Your child could require this for a number of reasons including dental decay, dental infections, and corrections required for better orthodontics, or an impacted wisdom tooth. Many times the primary or the baby tooth does not fall off in its prescribed time. In such a scenario, it would need to be extracted so that the permanent tooth may grow. If you have any sedation concerns or requirements, regardless of how quick tooth extraction may be, it is always a good idea to discuss your concerns beforehand with your dentist.

To avoid shifting of neighboring teeth towards the empty space created due to extraction of the baby tooth, your dentist may recommend something which is known as a space maintainer. This appliance will make sure to keep the place open for the permanent tooth to grow in.


Post treatment care

Bleeding, which usually happens after a tooth extraction, can be controlled by placing a small gauze piece till the blood clots. To make sure proper healing takes place, it is recommended that the mouth is kept clean by rinsing it regularly with salt water a number of times a day.

Although complications are a rare occurrence, in case they do occur, it is advised that the dentist be contacted immediately so the chances of infection can be eliminated. Complications can take many forms including excessive swelling. After formation of the blood clot, you can use children’s Tylenol or Ibuprofen so they feel comfortable once the procedure is over.


Radiographs, which are basically mouth X-rays, play a vital role in preventive dentistry. Your dentist can ask for them when they feel the requirement for it and not necessarily take them on every check-up.  Digital radiographs are required based on your child’s medical and dental history, for regular screenings, keeping in mind age considerations and the potential risk for development of any dental diseases.

Parents have concerns regarding the safety of dental x-rays. However, if done properly, dental x-rays are absolutely safe since the mouth images are captured using only low-level radiation.  A series of full mouth dental x-rays, your child may receive, exposes them to a radiation equaling to what an amount of radiation we commonly receive in a day from various natural sources that exist in our everyday lives.

Dental x-rays help to diagnose:

  • Dental abscesses/cysts
  • Bone loss
  • Cancerous/non-cancerous Tumors
  • Cavity between the teeth (Interproximal decay)
  • Developmental abnormalities
  • Improper tooth and root positions


Sedation is a safe option that aids in helping children with high anxiety levels in getting proper dental treatment. It is a safe option because pediatric dentists are properly trained to follow guidelines concerning sedation laid out by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Nitrous oxide/oxygen which is also known as “Laughing Gas” is a viable option for sedation purposes.

Using nitrous oxide is one of the safest forms of sedation and therefore, it is widely used these days in dentistry. The sweet-smelling, pleasant fragrance that your child will smell can have soothing and calming effects to his or her senses. The good thing about this kind of sedation is that your child will stay fully conscious, and be in control of all natural reflexes as they breathe the laughing gas. Being non-addictive, mild, easy to intake and eliminate from the body, laughing gas is a productive sedation option. However, its effectiveness diminishes if the child has severe anxiety, has nasal congestion, requires large scale treatment procedures or feels uncomfortable while wearing a nasal mask.


We are available for contact anytime you need us in case of a dental emergency situation.