Teeth Whitening

There are various reasons for discoloration of your teeth as you grow older. 

  • Your teeth can darken due to, mineral exposure.
  • Consumption of certain foods, drinks, or tobacco products leave yellowish-brown stains on your teeth.
  • Although not very common but some medications or bacterial infections can also be a cause for discoloration.

Stains penetrate the outer surface of your teeth and therefore require professional attention. Where quick solutions in the form of over-the-counter products such as whitening toothpastes are effective in reducing surface level stains; we provide outstanding teeth whitening solutions that break the toughest of stains to restore your teeth to their former beauty.

Since whitening procedures are not applicable on all kinds of discolorations or all kinds of stains, (e.g. darkening caused by cavities); our experts will be happy to help you select the best option based on your personal situation and your personal requirements. Restoration options can be used for some cases that cannot be fixed with whitening procedures.